Continued Commitment to Carbon Footprint Reduction

During November's Recycle Week, we shared with you the measures we have put in place throughout our workplace to demonstrate our commitment to sustainability.

Continued Commitment to Carbon Footprint Reduction

The measures we shared included:

  • Leftover steel is efficiently recycled; no material is wasted.
  • Making our own replacement cutting bed sections in-house; used ones are recycled.
  • Responsibly manage and recycle materials such as aerosols, redundant drilling coolant, and waste condensate from our compressor.
  • Recycling of everyday office waste.

We have now extended our commitment even further with the addition of four brand new DAF XG 530 6X2 tractor units.

"These new vehicles will improve our fuel efficiency by 35%, and support our continued commitment to utilising modern equipment to reduce our carbon footprint."